Human Resources Cutover

In preparation for our campus transition to Workday in January 2025, this page provides key details about the process of moving from Banner to Workday and how it will impact various operations across campus. 

The cutover period is when we will begin transferring business processes from Banner to Workday. To ensure a smooth transition for "go-live" on January 1, 2025, there will be several dates in the fall when certain kinds of activities or transactions will be limited or suspended. This will help ensure we have accurate data to move to the new system and will minimize errors that could occur if transactions are entered into Banner after we begin moving information to Workday.

Key Dates and Actions for Human Resource Transactions:

  • October 1, 2024: Limit new hiring, reorganizations, position evaluations, and salary adjustments. Effective dates for any of these activities will be January 13.
  • October 15, 2024: Freeze new one-time payment requests for employees.
  • November 1, 2024: The Office of Human Resources (HR) must focus on supporting Workday Training and will therefore suspend most other annual training offerings.

What Continues Without Interruption:

  • Employee “Open Enrollment” for calendar year 2025 benefits and qualifying benefit changes
  • New employee orientations
  • Interim pay that is already in effect
  • Processing resignations and retirements
  • Recruitment efforts for open positions with start dates on or after January 13
  • HR’s review of position descriptions and reorganization requests (but effective dates will be January 13)
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  • What is cutover?

    Cutover is the period when all of the information in Banner is transferred into Workday to prepare for the launch of Workday in January 2025. Once cutover begins, any transactions in Banner will not be automatically transferred to Workday, and therefore will need to be fully documented and then manually replicated in Workday in January 2025. In order to limit the amount of data entry required in January, and to reduce the risk of error, certain Human Resources Banner transactions are being limited or paused during the cutover period.

  • When is our Workday Cutover Period?

    The cutover period begins in October 2024 and will end with the successful launch of Workday in January 2025.

  • Will I be able to hire someone after October 1, 2024?

    All hiring managers are encouraged to have their staff recruitment forms submitted to Human Resources by October 1, 2024. Requisitions submitted after October 1, 2024 will require additional scrutiny and approval.

    Hiring managers are also encouraged to arrange for new employee start dates to occur on or after January 13, 2025 when possible.

  • Do I need to stop recruiting for my positions that are posted before October 1st?

    No. Hiring managers can continue to recruit for positions that are posted prior to October 1, 2024 and review applicants in UR Talent Web during the cutover period. Hiring managers should work with their Talent Acquisition Specialist if they wish to make an offer to a candidate during the cutover period and plan for the new employee’s start date to be on or after January 13, 2025. This also applies to internal candidates (i.e. position transfers).

  • Can I reorganize my department this fall?

    If you are thinking about reorganizing a department under your supervision, please contact your Human Resources Business Partners immediately. They will work with you to develop implementation and communication plans. Any reporting or position description changes will not go into effect until after until January 13, 2025.

  • Will cutover impact full-time faculty hiring?

    Cutover impact on full-time faculty hiring will be very minimal. Spring 2025 adjunct hires will receive traditional appointment letters in late fall. New hires and spring payments will be entered in Workday in January.

  • Will the cutover period affect adjunct faculty access to Banner or University email in the fall to prepare for their spring classes?

    No. Adjunct faculty hired for spring will be set up in Banner during the cutover period. Any new hire from this Fall will be set up in Banner with an ID, activated as an instructor, etc., and will have access to all the University resources they need as soon as that is complete.

  • What if someone begins an interim role on or after October 1st?

    If it is critical for an interim assignment to begin after October 1st, any interim pay earned through the cutover period, will be paid retroactively in January.

  • What one-time payments will be allowed?

    HR will only be able to support one-time payments for employees for specific situations that are time bound where January 13th payment will not be acceptable, such as relocation payment. 

  • One-time payments: Can I recommend someone be awarded a staff bonus before the end of the year?

    Any staff performance bonus payment for extraordinary service will be paused between October 15, 2024 and January 13, 2025. Managers can continue to submit bonus requests for review during the cutover period, but they will not be processed until January 13, 2025.

  • One-time payments: What if I have arranged for a guest speaker to come to campus after Oct. 15, will I not be able to pay the speaker until January?

    In most cases guest speakers are considered vendors, not employees, and they will continue to be paid as normal during the cutover period. If your speaker is not already set up as a vendor in Banner, please arrange to do so before October 28, if possible. If you have a guest speaker who is also a UR employee, please contact for guidance.

  • Can I make changes to my retirement contributions after October 1st?

    Employees are encouraged to review their retirement contributions and submit any changes to Human Resources prior to October 1, 2024.

  • Can I make changes to my 2024 benefits after October 1st?

    If an employee experiences a qualified life event after October 1st which affects their 2024 benefits, they will be able to make a change. Employees who need to make a beneficiary change or validate a dependent are recommended to do so in WEX prior to October 1st.

    Reminder: All dependents of full-time employees must be verified to have access to the Weinstein Center for Recreation effective January 1, 2025.

  • Will I be able to make changes to my 2025 benefits through Open Enrollment as usual?

    Yes. Open Enrollment will continue as usual this fall using WEX, the University’s current benefits system. Selections made by employees for their 2025 benefits will appear in Workday when it goes live in January 2025.

  • Who should I contact if I have additional questions?

    Managers who have questions regarding HR activities impacting their team during the cutover period should contact their assigned HR Business Partner. Employees with individual questions about their pay or benefits can stop by the HR front desk at Weinstein Hall, email, or call (804) 289 -8747.