Frequently Asked Questions

Below are some of the most commonly asked questions about Workday. Don't see your question answered below? We are updating this page often, so please send us your questions!  

Many thanks to members of the Change Ambassador Network for helping to populate many of the FAQs for this page.

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  • What is the Workday@Richmond project?

    Workday@Richmond is the project to replace the Banner system, used by Finance, Human Resources, and Payroll, with Workday. The project formally began in 2022, with the official kickoff in fall 2023. Check out the About Workday page to learn more.

  • What is Workday?

    Workday is a leading cloud-based platform that will revolutionize the way the University manages administrative tasks and processes. Renowned for its user-friendly interface, efficiency, and comprehensive suite of tools, Workday will bring about positive changes like saving time, streamlining processes, and offering greater support for faculty, staff, and students alike.

    Workday is designed to meet the unique needs of institutions of higher education. Many other institutions, both large and small, have implemented Workday with much success.

    In January 2025 Workday will replace Banner as the University’s Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system for employee timesheets and leave information, financial transactions such as check requests and expense tracking, and payroll and tax information, among other services. 

  • How will I access Workday, once it goes live in January?

    Workday can be accessed from a PC, Mac, tablet, or smartphone (Apple or Android devices) with an active and secure internet connection.

    Browser: Starting in January, you should go to and select the "login" button on the homepage. You will then be prompted to provide your UR credentials for access.

    Mobile App: You can download the app now, but login won’t be available until the system goes live. The app is convenient for approvals and employee self-service processes, but for more advanced tasks, use the desktop version.

    Two-factor authentication via the Duo app or a Duo token will be required for accessing Workday from both a browser and the app.

  • Will DUO be required in order to access Workday?

    Yes. Two-factor authentication via the Duo app or a Duo token will be required for accessing Workday from both a browser and the mobile app.

  • Will VPN be required to access Workday?

    If you are on the campus network, you will not need the VPN to access Workday. If you are off campus, you will be required to use the VPN. For information on how to install and configure VPN on your computer or mobile device, view this article in SpiderTechNet.

  • Will my personal information be secure in Workday?

    Absolutely. Protecting the security and privacy of personal data is a priority for Workday. Security threats and risks are mitigated through strong internal controls and a comprehensive security program designed to ensure the protection and integrity of personal data. Workday consistently passes rigorous third-party compliance audits.

  • Can I change the language from English to something else within Workday?

    Yes, you can. When you are logged in, there is a settings gear icon in the upper right corner than you can click on.  Select ‘Global Preferences’ from the list and you’ll see that you can select your preferred display language from many global languages.

  • I don’t work in Finance, Payroll, or HR, will I still use Workday?

    Yes, all UR employees, including student employees, will use Workday starting in January 2025. Employees will use Workday for functions such as viewing paystubs, updating personal information, requesting time off, submitting timesheets, entering reimbursement requests and making purchases, making benefit selections during open enrollment, and more. Additionally, faculty and staff grant recipients will use Workday for financial management and reporting related to the grant.

    Banner will continue to be used for student-related functions such as course registration, viewing class rosters, entering grades, and viewing transcripts.

  • Why are we changing systems?

    Banner, UR’s current Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system, has been in use since 1992. While it served the University well for over 30 years, growing operational complexity and evolving needs led to a reevaluation of the system.

    In 2016, UR reviewed Banner to determine if it was meeting the University’s needs. The University opted to stay with Banner and also started UR Better, a process improvement initiative that implemented various operational enhancements across campus such as Chrome River, Dynamic Forms, and other streamlining efforts. However, Banner’s limitations in automated workflows, real-time reporting, and forecasting capabilities, along with maintenance challenges and the potential risks posed by continuing to use an outdated system, prompted UR to return to the ERP modernization conversation in 2022. After a formal RFP process and thorough evaluation, Workday was selected as the University’s next ERP system in 2023, with approval from the Board of Trustees.

  • What is Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP)?

    ERP, Enterprise Resource Planning, is a type of software that organizations use to manage day-to-day business activities such as accounting, procurement, human resource information, employee payroll and benefits, budgeting, and other financial and operational processes. ERP systems are typically used to streamline operations, improve efficiency, and support decision-making.


  • Who is working on the Workday@Richmond project?

    More than 30 UR staff are devoting their time, on a partial or full-time basis, to ensure a smooth implementation of Workday. The project’s leadership is composed of University leaders serving on the project’s steering committee and as executive sponsors.


  • What are the goals of this effort?

    The goals for the Workday@Richmond project include:

    project goals

  • When will I receive training?

    Training for end-users will be offered beginning in November and will continue through February 2025. Training will be offered in multiple formats including job aids, in person instructor‐led, virtual instructor-led, and on-demand videos. To learn more about the training plan and view sample resources, please visit the training page.  

  • When will employees begin using Workday?

    Workday goes live in January 2025.

  • Why are we shifting from Banner to Workday in January, the middle of the fiscal year?

    The project team assessed both January and July as possibilities for go-live. Each option carries risks and opportunities. Ultimately, January 2025 was selected in order to align with the calendar year for tax purposes. This timing allows for a clean break in payroll and financial reporting between tax years, simplifying year-end processes and ensuring accurate W-2 forms and financial statements.

  • Will student employees be affected by the shift to Workday?

    Yes, student employees will be impacted. Students employed by the University will use Workday for tasks related to their campus job, such as submitting timesheets and viewing pay information. However, student academic information will remain in Banner.

  • Will a student doing faculty mentored research need to clock in and out like student employees will?

    If the student’s research is considered employment, they will need to clock in and out. If instead the student is to receive a one-time stipend rather than a bi-weekly paycheck, they won’t need to clock in and out.

  • I serve as an Academic Advisor, which system will I use?

    Banner will continue to serve as the University’s Student Information System (SIS) even after January 2025 when Workday is live. All faculty and staff serving as academic advisors will continue to use Banner for viewing their advisees’ academic information.

  • Why is the University shifting from Banner to Workday for HR, Finance, and Payroll but keeping Banner for student-related functions like course registration, transcripts, and student contact information?
  • Can I volunteer to help with training efforts?

    Contact Caitlin Bergendahl, Workday Training Lead, to let her know you would like to help. We appreciate your interest! 

  • Will Banner and Workday run concurrently during this transition?

    Banner will continue to be used as the University’s Student Information System (SIS) for student academic-related functions, while Workday will begin to handle HR, Finance, and Payroll processes starting in January. Employees will still have access to Banner after January 1, but the system will not be receiving or reporting new information (except for SIS functions).

    As we approach the January 2025 "go-live" date, the University will share crucial information about the cutover period and how it will affect various operations across campus. The Workday cutover period is a critical phase when we will actively transfer business processes from Banner to Workday. To ensure a smooth transition, we need to implement a series of freezes on certain activities. These freezes are necessary to stabilize both Banner and Workday environments and reduce double data entry and potential errors.

    We understand that these changes may present challenges, and we are committed to supporting you through this transition. Our Workday@Richmond project team, along with the network of Change Ambassadors across campus, will be available to address questions and concerns.

  • Will we be notified when we need to take action in Workday?

    Yes, you will receive notifications in two ways:

    • Action items on your Workday landing page in that Inbox.
    • Email notifications to your University email account.
  • In Workday, how far out will employees be able to request leave/time off?
    There is no limit by policy, nor by how Workday is configured. Employees are able to request time off as long as the period schedule is up to date in the system.
  • Will non-exempt hourly administrative staff be required to clock in and out in Workday?

    Non-exempt hourly employees who currently enter their own time in Banner (bulk time entry) will continue to enter their own time in Workday. Non-exempt hourly employees in Dining (including retail locations), Facilities, and University Police who currently clock in and out via a TimePro clock will continue to do so in Workday starting in January 2025.

  • In Workday, can I see when my colleagues and/or my manager will be on leave?
    Yes, in the calendar feature employees can see when their colleagues (peer employees with the same manager) will be absent as well as when their manager will be absent.
  • Can the Workday calendar be exported to outlook or excel? (So that departmental calendars can be updated accordingly with when employees take time off)
    At this time, there is not a way to export the Workday calendar to Outlook or Excel, so employees should continue to manage office/group calendars the way they currently do. Workday will be the official record, like Banner is today.
  • In Workday, will University holidays and breaks be noted on the calendar?
    All 15 holidays that the University observes will be pre-populated in the calendar feature for all employees, however fall break and spring break and other milestones in the academic calendar will not be noted. 
  • In Workday, what types of leave will be available for employees to select when requesting time off?
    The current list of leave types are as follows:
    • Bereavement
    • Jury Duty
    • Sick Leave
    • Vacation
    Additional types of leave, like Military and Parental, are still under configuration in the category of “Leave of Absence.”
  • For employees who have remote work arrangements or attend professional development/conferences during work, can this be noted/tracked in Workday?
    No, employees who currently have these arrangements should continue to work with their manager for how these are tracked after the transition to Workday.
  • How can I keep up with project developments?
    There are several ways to keep up with the project:
    • Talk to your Change Ambassador. Employees from every division on campus are serving as change ambassadors. Members of the Change Management team keep change ambassadors up to date on project developments via monthly meetings. In addition to sharing project news, change ambassadors seek to gather feedback from the campus so that it can be communicated back to the project team. The list of those serving as change ambassadors can be found here
    • Read Spider Insider. Since the project kickoff in fall 2023, the employee magazine has provided updates in each issue. Links to these articles can be found on the Communications page
    • Visit the Workday website. Keep checking out this site! Updates are added often as the project evolves. 
  • How can I ask for help or provide feedback about the project?

    If you can’t find the information you need here on the site, send us your question via the Web Contact Form or by email at You can also reach out to your Change Ambassador.