Human Resources Workstreams

The various Human Resources (HR) workstreams are dedicated to transforming the way employees interact with HR processes, making them more accessible, efficient, and user-friendly through the implementation of Workday.

The focus is on streamlining HR processes, empowering employees with self-service options, improving data accuracy and accessibility, and enhancing the overall employee experience. We are looking forward to the following key improvements:

graphic 4 areas of change


The Impact of Workday

Workday will revolutionize the HR experience at the University of Richmond by:

  • Automating manual processes
  • Providing clear, documented procedures
  • Offering user-friendly interfaces for employees and HR staff
  • Streamlining workflows and reducing paperwork

While some people may find the transition challenging at first, the long-term benefits will greatly enhance our HR operations and employee satisfaction.

What We're Most Excited About

"Workday is bringing a transformative change to our HR processes. We’re thrilled about the clearly defined roles and access within a single system, which will minimize errors and reduce the need for manual reviews. But what excites us most is how it will empower our employees with direct access to their information, making HR easier to interact with. This is a game-changer for the University of Richmond."


--Denise Jones, HR Workstream Lead