Jepson staff

HR Landscape of Change

October 13, 2024
What's changing with the move to Workday?

What's changing with the move to Workday? The move to Workday will retire several systems including:

  • ChromeRiver
  • Cornerstone TalentWeb
  • Cornerstone UR Engaged
  • Cornerstone Training
  • TimePro
  • WEX (benefit portal)

In their place, Workday will offer streamlined access to the self-service functions performed by all of those systems through a single Workday portal. Workday will provide enhanced visibility for managers, replace PAFs (Personnel Action Forms) with electronic workflows. Those whose UR job includes supporting HR business processes will be able to see where the work is in the electronic workflow and will be provided additional training. Workday capabilities will streamline and enhance our work and experiences.