Streamlined Purchasing: Workday Catalog
Purchases from Amazon, Grainger, and Staples can be made through direct catalog links within Workday. This new feature is simple to use and eliminates the need for receipt management and purchase reconciliation when buying from these vendors.
The streamlined purchasing process includes:
- Direct access to vendor catalogs within Workday
- Simple shopping cart experience by adding the good(s) to cart checking out
- Automated approval routing to your Cost Center Manager
- Immediate vendor notification after approval
- Automatic payment processing upon delivery confirmation
Key benefits include:
- No recipt collection required
- No expense report needed
- Faster order processing
- Immediate vendor payment
- Simplified tracking and documentation
The following catalogs will be available within Workday in the future: Supply Room, B&H Photo/Video, and Home Depot. The Procurement Office will continue to add new vendor catalogs based on University purchasing needs. If you have a vendor suggestion, you may email with your reocmmendations.
Instructions and a step-by-step video are available in the Purchases section of the Get Help page.